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Orlando Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

We'll help you get the compensation you deserve

Drunk driving is extremely common in the United States. In 2016 alone, over 10,000 deaths were a result of an alcohol impaired driver. This accounted for 28% of the total vehicle related deaths that year. Every day, approximately 29 people die from a motor vehicle accident involving an alcohol impaired driver.

Because the city of Orlando has a reputation of a great night life, they are no exception to these statistics. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motor vehicle accident as a result of an alcohol impaired driver, hiring a drunk driver accident lawyer could be the first step towards getting the justice you deserve.

As soon as you are attended to by a medical professional, and you are healed of any injuries, call a qualified bus accident lawyer. We see this type of case very often, and know the right legal strategy to pursue so you can get the compensation that you deserve.

What causes drunk driving accidents?

As with most states, the legal limit of alcohol content in your blood is .08% when driving. However, even if you are under that limit, you still must be able to operate a vehicle properly. At Florida Car Accident Lawyer Team, these are the most common causes we see when drunk driving accidents have occurred.

High BAC

As mentioned, the legal limit for your BAC while driving in Florida is .08%. Often times, we see drivers that have caused accidents with BAC’s doubling, or even tripling the legal limit. A person with this high of a BAC is simply unable to operate a motor vehicle, as their reaction times and motor functionality has decreased significantly.


When a person is under the influence of alcohol, they sometimes take risks they would not normally think about taking if they were sober. There is no exception when it comes to operating a motor vehicle. Often times, we hear witnesses say “she/he said they were okay to drive.” This is common with drunk drivers, as a result of alcohol consumption.

Driver fell asleep at the wheel

Alcohol is a depressant, and can make people sleepy as the effects kick in. All too often, a motor vehicle operator under the influence of alcohol will drift to sleep while they are operating the vehicle. This can result in serious motor vehicle accidents, and is common with head on collisions.

Common injuries related to drunk driving accidents

Surprisingly enough, we see more injuries to the individual that was hit by a drunk driver as opposed to the driver themselves. This could be due to the fact that a person under the influence is less likely to tense up, or the drunk driver saw the accident coming just before the crash. Here are the most common injuries we see with drunk driving accidents:

Head trauma

This could be a result of a number of different things. An individual could hit their head on the dashboard, slam their head on the steering wheel, or get sent through a windshield (if not wearing their seatbelt).

Glass embedded in skin

Because collisions between two vehicles are likely to shatter windows/windshields, we often see glass that has been embedded in the skin of an individual. This is a minor injury, but can be extremely uncomfortable.


Sadly, because drunk driving accidents happen so fast, an individual does not have time to react to a crash. Fatalities are especially common when the individuals are involved in a head on collision, or the drivers are travelling at a very high rate of speed.

What legal options do I have if I am hit by a drunk driver?

If you are involved in a motor vehicle accident that was the result of an alcohol impaired driver, you should contact a qualified drunk driver accident lawyer. We will get you justice for those who are involved in alcohol related crashes.

You should never have to pay a dime out of your pocket for an accident that was not your fault, especially if the other party involved was breaking the law. Contact one of our drunk driving accident lawyers today to receive a free consultation, and discuss how you can get appropriate compensation for the drunk driving accident you were involved in!

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  • Car Accidents
  • Bicycle Accidents
  • Motorcycle Accidents
  • Pedestrian Accidents
  • Hit and Run
  • Drunk Driving Accidents
  • Truck Accidents
  • Bus Accidents
  • and more...

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"I was involved in a car accident and this firm got the money I deserved! I am forever grateful." Genevieve Johnson